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WP2.2 Technical Dissemination

This task concentrates mainly on supporting of a series of technical workshops. A special focus will be on the technical achievements and progress of the JRAs in this project in order to disseminate these results in the community. To bring the European radio astronomy engineering results and expertise to the attention of the broader engineering community, one or two special sessions at big international conferences outside the radio astronomy community will be co-organized. The objective will be to exchange ideas and new directions, and to attract the interest of researchers and industrial engineers in related fields to collaborate in the development of Radio Astronomy as well as industry applications with the aim to transfer knowledge in both directions. Furthermore it will foster the use of research infrastructures by industrial researchers and vice versa, and it will encourage the involvement of industrial associations in consortia or in advisory bodies.

Supported scientific events

Event Organiser
NoDatePlace/Country Event TitleOrganiser Place/Country Report
13 Sep/Oct 2018 Granada/ES14th EVN Symposium and Users MeetingUAH-IGNES
12 Nov 2017Garching/DE Perspectives on a LSTUni Bonn DE
na/dissemination/technical.1489482380.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/14 10:06 by irottmann